Monday, December 8, 2008

The Economy and North Albany

Admit it, the economy is bad and like the beginning of winter, it's only going to get worse. The lofts on Broadway, rumor has it, are on hold. Local businesses everywhere are seeing sales drop. We all have to cut expenses, in business and at home: drive shorter distances for the same item, eat out less, forgo luxuries, cut out unnecessary expenses. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Drive shorter distances, but don't compromise quality. Walk when you can. The fuel you save may be significant.

2. Eat out less. Chances are you will eat healthier in the process. But don't abandon restaurants. Think about what it would be like if they all failed. Life without restaurants. Patronize local, good quality restaurants before chains. Money spent from local establishments stays in the community.

3. Think about purchases. Ask yourself if you really need it. Can I buy a less expensive item that will do the same thing.

4. Unnecessary: land lines when you have a cell phone, second cars, second homes, RV's with little use (hotels can be cheaper), are some examples.

5. Turn your thermostat down one or two degrees in winter and up in summer.

See you at the bank.

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